Take a minute to imagine you’re a newcomer to the internet. First of all, you are not alone. The web has been around for decades,
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Take a minute to imagine you’re a newcomer to the internet. First of all, you are not alone. The web has been around for decades,
Civic tech for the children; are tech philanthropists discounting expertise of nonprofit leaders because their …
Bernie breaking online fundraising records; Obama calls for universal automatic voter registration; and more. Small …
WHY GERMANY? A couple of years ago I was idly scanning through Google Zeitgeist, the search giant’s annual data release of each year’s top search …
Can political debates become more informative after the debate? Researchers in Britain are building a debate-replay website that aims to increase viewer comprehension, engagement, and …
I am frequently asked what key factors have made SeeClickFix a successful platform for engaging residents and officials where others have failed. These ten key …